Carpe Diem: As many of you know I lost my father on September 11th, 2001 in Tower I of the World Trade Center. My father was working for Lehman Brothers and after some help from some Private Investigators we concluded that my dad was either on his way to or on his way back from getting breakfast either in the basement of the World Trade Center or more likely the Port Authority Cafeteria on the 40th Floor and in the express elevators which is where he met his demise. At the present day my loss fuels my desire to seize each and everyday and to afford myself the life my father worked so hard for 55 years to create for and with me.
On that horrible and tragic day for me, a beautiful young girl named Christina Taylor Green was born. Christina spent 9 years and many months enjoying life and as a parent to my beautiful two children I can only imagine the amazing joy, love and passion she was able to bring to her family, friends and world as she knew it. I have always told myself that I am not a very spiritual man. I have fought the principles of spirituality for all of my life and even more so since my father was killed but today I am allowing them to come through. This amazing little angel was born on 9-11-01 doesn't it scare you that she lived until 1-8-11 or 1+8 =9 - 11? Was she brought here for a reason. for a purpose? To show you and me that there is so much more than just waking up every day of your life, living in a box, living in redundancy. Christina Taylor Green was a beautiful Angel who was here for a purpose just like each of us and we must live each day to its fullest and allow ourselves to be purposeful.
In tribute to this beautiful Angel whom I have only met in Spirit I offer a tribute. Beginning this summer I am personally funding the Ira Zaslow Foundations Disney Summer Scholarship again bringing this beautiful program back to life after a short 4 year Sabbatical but doing so in the beautiful name and loving memory of this angel Christina Taylor Green. If anyone reading this is able to put me in touch with her family and they are able to see this I ask them to select a school in need near them that will allow us the same opportunity to (Each year the Ira Zaslow Foundation has embarked upon a magical journey during the Annual Disney Educational Summer Program providing the opportunity to students from PS MS 306 of the East Bronx to travel to the Magic Kingdom, courtesy of AirTran Airways, where they begin a 5 night 6 day educational adventure. While in Disney, the children live the rich history of the U.S., explore the fascinating and surprising world of animal behavior and discover Disney’s world of physics through the mind of a theme park scientist.).
Amazing and I'd love to help find her for you!